A series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events is the story of the three Baudelaire orphans, Violet, Claus and Sunny. The books are narrated by Lemony Snicket, a mysterious man who follows the story through clues passed on through a secret organization known only as the V.F.D. The series begins with the three children losing their parents in a fire. Then a banker named Mr. Poe takes charge of the children and leaves them with the nearest relative, Count Olaf. Olaf and his troupe become the villain of the series. During their stay with Count Olaf, the children are forced to perform ridiculous and cruel tasks. Eventually, the children are able to escape, and though the children are not still under Olaf's care, he is still intent on finding them and stealing their money. In each book, the children are given a different guardian which causes more problems for them. While Olaf tries to get custody of them.
Character: Violet Baudelaire
2. Wavy long hair
3. Ribbons
4. Caretaker
5. Brains
6. Female
7. Wears a dress
8. Thinker
9. Leader
11. Sad
12. Orphan
13. One of three
14. Museums
15. Grappling Hook
16. Hates "row row row your boat"
17. Nikola Tessa (Violets favorite inventor)
18. Pencil Sharpener (first invention at 10)
19. Money
20. Family
You know, I have never read this, but have heard alot about it. I like your character choice, the girl seems brave. In your characteristics you have alot of stuff about her tendencies and appearance, but Im wondering if there are more descriptive words about her personality? Like I said, Ive never read it. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can incorporate the intensity we feel from Violet when she ties her hair back to think into your typeface? That's a pretty fun quirk to play off of.
ReplyDeleteI never got to read the books but i did see the movie and i loved it. Your list describes the character well .
ReplyDeletethis is prob the hardest assignment ever. the character seems very interesting but im not picturing any one kind of typeface. She def not a slab serif or a serif. She seems to interesting to be a san serif so i'm honestly lost as far as the direction you should go. I don't feel like a script typeface goes with a series of unfortunate events either. Maybe you should do a display typeface. Something thats not really meant to be used just looks really cool!
ReplyDeleteYeah, this is a tough one. I feel like Violet is so strong and intelligent, but also really caring. She has a lot of levels and I feel like she can't be condensed into one "look". A display face could be cool. I'm definitely eager to see how you work this out!