Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Bronson is a 2008 British fictionalised biographical crime film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and starring Tom Hardy. The film follows the life of notorious prisoner Michael Gordon Peterson, who was renamed Charles Bronson by his fight promoter. Born into a respectable middle-class family, Peterson would nevertheless become one of the United Kingdom's most dangerous criminals, and is known for having spent almost his entire adult life in solitary confinementBronson is narrated with humour, blurring the line between comedy and horror.

Character: Bronson

1. Agressive
2. Crazy
3. Fearless
4. Stuborn
5. Violent
6. Intense
7. Comical
8. Odd
9. Intimidating
10. British
11. Difficult
12. Wild
13. Disturbing
14. Bad
15. Angry
16. Insane
17. Beastly
18. Mean
19. Energetic
20. Conflicting


  1. I thought this had to be a book misa!! lol But besides that the character sounds complex and rough. I am thinking a san-serif thats jagged.

  2. it would be interesting to play with a ransom note feel or make the letters conflict with each other or vary in weight--can definitely be a sans-serif

  3. i keep hearing good things about this movie, but im really interested to see how you handle the visuals. From what little i've seen of the movie i imagine something stark and intimidating.
